Welcome to BKcert.com

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Debt Education and Certification Foundation (DECAF) is a leading non-profit provider of the required pre and post-bankruptcy counseling services. Our Foundation specializes in assisting people that are filing bankruptcy without the assistance of an attorney. We look forward to assisting you through the counseling process as you meet the bankruptcy requirements.

To avoid costly court fees and loss of bankruptcy protection for you and your possessions, sign up and complete your course quickly.

  • Sign-up at the discounted price of $50.00. No additional charge for your spouse, when filing together.
  • Speak to Financial Counselors 7 days a week, in English or Spanish languages.
  • Take your course online or by phone.
  • Your certificate immediately available for download or email following course completion.
  • Enter and exit the course at any time. Our course saves your progress along the way.

For questions or assistance, call our friendly staff toll free at 1-866-859-7323

Why Choose BKcert?

Course 1 and Course 2 are offered through BKcert, a U.S. Trustee approved agency*.
  • Unparalleled expertise
  • Unbiased counseling
  • Unrivaled convenience
  • Couples filing jointly can complete courses together, at no additional charge

What Is DECAF?

Debt Education & Certification Foundation (DECAF) provides credit counseling certificates as required before filing for bankruptcy and Debtor Education courses to be completed after filing.

For Fee Waiver Qualifications, click here.

Contact Us

114 Goliad Street
Benbrook, TX 76126-2009
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